Thursday, September 08, 2005

help is on the way

I've been learning the guitar for almost a year now, pretty much on my own. Except for the good advice of a few friends here and there, it has been a solo journey. However, I'm getting to the point that if I want to progress much further - I'm going to have to take advantage of some outside resources. I know lots of chords, but I struggle because I know very little about music. When it comes to things like tempo and strum patterns - I never really have a plan. I just play. Thankfully, I've not had too many traumatic experiences in public and I always seem to eek by with the limited amount of knowledge that I do possess. Yet, I have this nagging desire to be more proficient in my playing - so, I am going to begin guitar lessons on Monday. I know, I know - I won't have the bragging rights of being "self taught" and I'll never be able to play in an indie band - but I think it will be worth it in the end. We'll see.
posted by Christie