Friday, February 17, 2006

This past Sunday we closed the page on our fourth DiscipleNow in Hazlehurst. Despite a few setbacks, the weekend actually went off without a hitch. Our good friend Russell spoke during the Friday and Saturday night worship services led by the Jeremy Curtis Band. Russell has helped us with other events and always does an exceptional job. This year was no different. It was also neat to have Mike, one of our former youth, now a junior in college, lead the small group session for our high school guys. And also for his girlfriend, Amber, to lead our high school girls. We absolutely love having those two around our kids because they model a Christ centered relationship that most teenagers never have the opportunity of observing. Thanks Mike and Amber, we appreciate you guys more than you know.

We pray that God used the events of the weekend to draw teenagers to Himself and that the effects will last far beyond the present chapter in their lives.
posted by Christie